Since Tier3MD has celebrated its 10th year anniversary this month, I have been doing a lot of thinking back to when we first started. The first question I ask myself is “are we keeping up with the industry?” Well, that depends on what is going on in the industry. I’m talking both healthcare, and IT. So let’s take a look.

1. Hardware – are we knowledgeable on what hardware is available for our clients? Do we know the new technology the vendors offer? I am going to say YES.

2. Cloud services – are we up to date on the cloud and do we fully understand how to create a virtual environment? YES. We have our own cloud facility in Chattanooga, Tennessee and we have spent numerous hours having our staff trained to support it. We also provide off-site backups which has been a “must have” in the industry for the last 4-5 years.

3. Meaningful use – Do we understand the core measures, and what it means to be a meaningful user? Do we understand how to get you incentive money from the government? Can we help you choose an EMR and use it appropriately? YES. The majority of our clients have attested to meaningful use, and we need to fully understand it so we can assist them.

4. HIPAA Laws – Have we researched the HIPAA laws and fully understand them on the security side? YES. Being a business associate, we too have to adhere to the HIPAA laws and protect any ePHI that is in our care.

5. Security Assessments – Can we provide the security assessment so you can attest to meaningful use and meet the core measure of being able to protect epHI? YES. We have performed hundreds of HIPAA security assessments for both clients, and non-clients.

In order for us to remain a viable healthcare IT support and solutions company, it is imperative that we are constantly keeping up with the industry. A technology company should not fall behind, and should focus on their main industry. Tier3MD does just that. We ONLY support healthcare and our main focus is keeping up with the industry