The main thing that Tier3MD provides is doctors office IT services. When we started back in 2005, we were already entrenched in doctors office IT services so we just decided to keep it going. I had planned that at some point, I would expand my business to “non” doctors IT services, but as I started to grow, healthcare IT consumed me more and more. I always knew it was a field all within itself, but I had no idea that it would be a never ending learning process. This is why I love it so much!
Doctors Office IT Services
Back in 2005, doctors were just starting to think about electronic medical records. Some were on board, and some were not. Same as it is today! LOL. Still, you could see the shift coming, and the changes that were about to happen. Our government gave the final push, with giving the doctors incentives to move forward. Most did, and collected some very lucrative meaningful use dollars. It was a difficult time for the practices, but one that was a necessary change.
Over the Years
As an company that offers doctor office IT services, I can tell you that being in the medical field is where we want to be. It’s our way of helping patients without being a medical provider. We love to install technology that makes it easier for the physician and staff to treat patients and provide quality healthcare. Most of the time, we work behind the scenes, but we know what goes on in doctor’s offices and we are proud to work with each and every one.