Tier3MD is the expert in medical IT Support. We are constantly keeping up with the industry news so we can bring that information to our clients. Below is a list of articles that we have seen or written that we think would be useful to our clients and prospects.
Articles for Healthcare IT Education
More articles for healthcare IT education
Things are going to change again in Healthcare IT – Sheryl J. Cherico, September 2014
Protecting Yourself Against a Cyber Attack – Sheryl J. Cherico, July, 2014
Medical IT Support vs. Computer Support – Written by Sheryl J. Cherico. This article describes some of the differences of providing IT support to medical practices.
Role of the IT Department – Written by Sheryl J. Cherico. This article describes how the importance of the IT department has changed over the years.
Should you Outsource Your IT? – This article gives you the 10 best advantages of outsourcing your IT needs.
Federal HIPAA Audits – Find out what Brian Tuttle “The HIPAA Guy”, has to say!
Hail to the Practice Manager! – No one is more underrated than the Practice Manager!
Tier3MD staff is constantly finding or creating articles to help practices with many different needs. Because of our vast knowledge and certifications, we feel it is important to get the “word” out to our practices. Technology, laws and rules are changing constantly and we want to get the word out as fast as we can. Check back often for new articles.
There are many good places on the web to find excellent articles that pertain to your practice. Some suggestions are: Healthcare IT News, Fierce Health IT, Manage My Practice, or Medical Practice Insider.
Have an idea for an article? Do you have an article you have already written? We would love to publish your article, and give you credit for it! Send all submissions to Sheryl Cherico and we will notify you if your article has been selected for publication on our website. Your article must be at least 300-350 words, but no more than 600. It should pertain only to the healthcare industry. It cannot be a sales pitch. Please make sure your article is educational, and would be an interest to Doctors, practice managers, and clinical staff.