Tier3MD provides Healthcare IT Support Nationally. Every once in a while, I like to focus my blog on what we do best. Healthcare IT support! Tier3MD was formed in 2005 to cater to physician practices, and provide the best healthcare IT support in the country.
I say this all the time. Healthcare IT support is different from just “fixing” computers. At Tier3MD, we understand your practice, and want to make sure that we provide the best service, so physicians and staff can focus on providing quality patient care.
What is the difference?
IT, is IT right? Well, maybe! There is much more to IT support than fixing something that breaks. At Tier3MD, we are your IT partner. We help you with things that are necessary in the medical community, like HIPAA, interfaces, EMR’s, etc. We understand all of that, and can help you make educated decisions. With our vast healthcare IT support experience, and our knowledgeable staff, we become the “go to” people for all of our customers. IT is the center of every practice, so having a good healthcare IT support company is crucial to the success of the practice.
Tier3MD provides antivirus, antispyware, 24/7/365 remote monitoring, live answering service for after hours, onsite and remote support, as well as VoIP, HIPAA security assessments, PCI compliance, full helpdesk services and more.
If you would like more information, please contact us at 1-855-MYTIER3 (698-4373). We would love to hear from you!