If you have a little bit of geek in you, or you have a computer system somewhere that you care about, i have some interesting reading for you. Do you know that the FBI has a huge, informational site dedicated to just cyber crime? I love to browse this site, just to keep on top of what is going on. The site contains articles on all sorts of things, including threats and scams.
What else is on the FBI site?
Tons of articles. Some include: Computer and network intrusions, identity theft, internet crime reports, internet fraud, e-scams and warnings, as well as all types of information on preventing attacks. Give it a look if you get a chance. It really does have some interesting reading material.
Some other interesting reading is the FBI cyber criminal most wanted list. Did you even know there was one? It has their photo’s, what they are wanted for. Just like the “most wanted” list you see in the post office. It does help to know that they have put a face to some of these people who create phishing schemes, spyware, etc.
The FBI site has many links for education on how to protect yourself. Especially internet fraud. It also has information on credit card fraud, investment fraud, business fraud and more. Like I said, makes for some interesting reading!