The Apple Watch 6 focuses on health as it was unveiled at the Apple event 2020. The watch has a couple of great features to help you with monitoring your health on a 24/7 basis. With today’s health conscious world, this is definitely a must have! People care a lot more about their health and appreciate being well informed.
Apple Watch 6 Focuses on Health
The first thing is has is an Blood O2 meter. You can measure your blood oxygen levels at your convenience. It has a nifty little sensor app that allows you to stay connected.
Ever want to take your own EKG? It has an app that monitors that as well! Yee your fitness metrics at a glance with the enhanced Always-On Retina display. With Apple Watch Series 6 on your wrist, a healthier, more active, more connected life is within reach. This watch will be available September 18th, 2020. Enjoy!