It’s that time of year where you may have to make some purchases before December 31st. Is it time to refresh your hardware? Don’t wait for it to break, your best bet is to be diligent with your PC’s, printers, switches, etc. When it breaks…you have a problem. Broken hardware = downtime. Downtime = money.
When to Refresh
With the price of PC’s right now, it’s much easier to refresh every 3 years. Years back, when PC’s were in the thousands of dollars, I was advising my customers to try to keep them 3 1/2 to 4 years, and to refresh in phases in order to soften the burden of the large expense. Today, you can refresh 10 PC’s for around $4000. Not too bad!
Hardware as a Service
Can’t afford to refresh? Tier3MD has a program where we will provide the PC’s for you. It will add a small cost to your monthly IT contract, but believe me…it’s worth it. You don’t have to worry about making a large purchase, and it one breaks, it’s on us to replace it! Contact us for more information.