As we are nearing mid October, we are finishing up cybersecurity tips 10, 11 and 12 before we move into 15 myths for cybersecurity month. If you have not seen tips 1-9, go ahead and read my previous posts.
Cybersecurity Tips 10, 11 and 12
Tip #10: Properly dispose of electronic media
Proper practices must be followed when disposing of electronic media at work or at home. Our devices contain a great deal of sensitive information, which could fall into the wrong hands if they’re not disposed of properly. If you are HIPAA compliant, and you have a HIPAA policy and procedure manual, train you staff and make sure you follow the policy. The policy may look like this:
HIPAA Citation # 164.310(d)(2)(i)
PHI must be maintained for 7-years (depending on speciality)
Information relating that does not relate to past, present or future physical or mental health condition may be destroyed.
PHI or confidential information must be destroyed by the following methods:
- Burning
- Shredding
- Pulping
- Demagnetizing
- Overwriting
A certificate of destruction must be signed, dated and stored.
Tip #11: Create a cybersecurity-friendly culture
Ready for this one? Make cybersecurity fun by creating a cybersecurity-friendly culture! Practice strong cybersecurity habits and do your best to encourage and motivate your co-workers to do the same! Try some fun social engineering and make it a game. Give out prizes for those not fooled! It really could be fun.
Tip #12: Monitor your credit & financial statements
Data breaches can lead to serious issues such as identity theft. Keep a close eye on your credit and financial statements to look for anything that seems unusual and if you do find something that seems amiss, act quickly. There are groups of forensic accountants and auditors that are more than happy to come to your office and help you out. For the money, it is worth it to avoid having your financials stolen or sold.
If you have any questions about your cybersecurity, contact Tier3MD to help!