When making purchases for your practice, how do you know if you are purchasing the right products? As a business owner, I am constantly trying to purchase the right products for my business, and for my customers. Of course you always want to find the best price, the best value, and the most reputable. No one ever wants to buy something and regret it. Especially if you are purchasing it for your practice, where others need to use it, and most of the time, it’s not your money!
Choosing the right products
The first product I looked at for my business is my ticketing system. I wanted to have something professional, robust, efficient, and cost effective. Sound like your EMR? The decision took months, with many demos, price negotiations, I am constantly looking for the right product to put into production on my customers network at an affordable price. Every time I turn around, someone is presenting to me “another layer of security”. It seriously becomes overwhelming, and I don’t want to do that to my customer base. Right now, Tier3MD has a few different security products that we have vetted, tested and approved. You can contact us if you would like to learn more.
Narrowing it down
Because of the abundance of EMR vendors, security vendors, various software options, etc., how do you narrow it down? Do you go by price? Value? How do you know what is suitable for your practice, and your specialty? It’s almost never ending! Some things I will admit I am very knowledgeable about, but when it comes to choosing the right products, I’m not sure I will ever be an expert! I just want to get it right for our customers!
Thanks for reading.