If you missed our lunch and learn on cybersecurity, you missed a good one! Over the past 2 days, Tier3MD sponsored a lunch and learn on cybersecurity and had the luxury of Jay Ryerse from Connectwise doing the speaking honors. Jay is one of the top speakers in the country and has been to 112 cities and 8 countries speaking on this topic. I am pretty up to date on my cybersecurity knowledge but every time I see a good presentation, I like to post about it.
This webinar on cybersecurity covered hacking, ransomware, breaches, and how to protect yourself. It always amazes me how these hackers get into our systems. It’s actually very eye opening. You think you have it covered, but you don’t. What it really boils down to is education. We MUST educate our staff. You almost have to be a super sleuth to avoid getting exploited by professional thieves.
Lunch and LearnĀ on Cybersecurity
During the lunch and learn on cybersecurity, Jay let us watch a 5-7 minute video that was amazing! It showed how easy it is to get information on someone using social engineering. (In my day we called is scamming!). The video showed a girl calling an internet provider and actually getting password information and adding herself as a user on the account. Remarkable! The video also showed a professional hacker find the keys to someones entire life. It was unbelievable. This hacker could have taken his whole life. He had bank info, passwords to everything, SSN, websites, etc. He actually said he could have made him homeless! Yikes!!
Cybersecurity is out there. It’s real, and YOU are the target. The best way to prepare for a cyber attack is to prepare for it. Get your ducks in a row and be ready.