Keeping Up With The Healthcare Industry

Is your IT provider important to you? I always felt that IT was the “hub” of a practice. With HIPAA, Security, ICD-10, Stage 2 Meaningful Use, and all the other things that are going on in your practice, IT ranks right up there in importance.

February, 2014 updated May 20, 2014

Sheryl Cherico, CEO

Keeping up with the medical industry is the most fascinating, exciting part of being a medical only IT company. Techno Geeks enjoy change, and what changes faster than the healthcare industry? Every time I visit the HHS page, or the ONC page, I am treated to some new law or rule that I had no idea about! I need change. I need the excitement of and industry that never stays stagnate. I feel I owe it to my customers to keep on top of as much as I can so that we can better support their practice. What does it have to do with IT? A lot! When laws change, policies change, etc., IT is the department that helps develop and implement changes to help your practice achieve these changes. This is often overlooked. It is common to think that IT is just fixing the computers. It is so much more. We are the central point of your practice. Gone are the days where you can implement something new and not involve the IT department. We want to make sure that you have every bit of information you need to provide both your users and your patients with all of the tools you need to have a quality healthcare visit.

Also, just a note…if you are still harboring Windows XP workstations…you are OUT of compliance! I don’t want to scare anyone, but you may be better served replacing those as soon as possible. Without the ability to patch and update those workstations, they become a hackers dream, and great way to sneak into your network. Protect your PHI. Make it your number one priority! In addition, there are no more updates for Office 2003, and in July 2015, Windows Server 2003 will be out of compliance. See…I told you it changes!!


Thanks for reading.